Feel & Heal hair oil, the quintessential Indian ayurvedic formulation is made with many powerful ingredients to treat all your hair troubles! Made with the goodness of native herbs and botanical infusions, this nutrient-rich oil helps control hair-fall and premature greying. This wonderful elixir helps to strengthen the hair roots, prevents split ends, strengthens the hair roots, deeply conditions the hair, stimulates hair growth, and just leaves you with gorgeous silky hair! Go on, try it, and say goodbye to damaged hair
Eclipta Alba 7%
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis 7%
TinosporaCordifolia 7%
IndigoferaTinctoria 7%
EmblicaOfficinalis 6%
WrightiaTinctoria 6%
VetiveriaZizanioides 3%
GlycyrrhizaGlabra 3%
BacopaMonnieri 3%
CocosNucifera 50%
CinnamomumCamphora 1%
(each 100 ml of Feel & Heal oil contains)
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